Wilbroda, the beloved actress from the hit TV show “Papa Shirandula,” has recently made headlines for a surprising revelation. The 40-year-old radio personality has admitted to being pursued by a much younger man, who is already eager to start a family with her. This unexpected attention has sparked curiosity among her fans and followers.

In a candid interview, Wilbroda shared that the persistent suitor, a member of Generation Z, regularly checks on her and refers to her with affectionate terms like “babe.” However, the actress is unsure about the prospect of marriage, having gone through a difficult divorce a decade ago. “I’m being pursued, but I don’t know if I want marriage. I don’t want a child,” she confessed, adding that she’s content with her current situation and her 14-year-old son. Her openness about her feelings resonates with many who have faced similar dilemmas.

Wilbroda’s personal life has been a topic of discussion in the past as well. She revealed that her relatives’ frequent presence in her home contributed to the breakdown of her marriage. “I went overboard with their company, and it cost me,” she acknowledged. Despite the challenges, Wilbroda remains focused on her career and her son, inspiring her fans with her resilience and authenticity. Her journey reflects the complexities of love and family in today’s world.

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