Two traffic police officers have been exposed on social media for allegedly taking bribes from a matatu driver, while their colleagues were busy conducting security checks on vehicles along the Nyeri-Nyahururu highway on December 30.

The incident was captured by NTV photographer Joseph Kanyi, who posted the pictures on Twitter, showing the police officers standing next to a matatu, with one of them holding some money in his hand.

The pictures also showed other police officers searching the vehicles and passengers, to thwart a planned meeting by the outlawed Mungiki gang scheduled for tomorrow at Kabiriruini grounds in Nyeri town.

One of the Twitter users, identified as Lawrence, was quick to point out the two cops and accused them of being corrupt and compromising the security operation.

The tweet sparked outrage among other citizens, who condemned the police officers for engaging in bribery and called for their arrest and prosecution. The National Police Service has not yet commented on the matter.

By Newsmedia

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