The two sisters who say they were assaulted by twin brothers Eddie Ndichu and Paul Ndichu were Monday summoned by the new investigation team at DCIO Langata and questioned over the drama.
Sisters Stephanie, 24, and Cheryl Murgor, 22, were in the company of their lawyer who is also their uncle Philip Murgor and George Ouma when they appeared before Langata DCI offices for further statements.
They had earlier on recorded their statements on the events at Akila police station before the Langata team took over.
This came as CCTV footage of the drama on October 17 emerged on social media capturing part of the events that occurred there.
The footage partially shows two women fighting at the lobby of the Emara Ole Sereni Hotel and one of the brothers punching a man to the ground before he broke the mirrors of a car.
The two sisters narrated their story in a statement to the detectives in a three-hour session before they left.
Murgor said they were there as complainants and they expect nothing short of justice.
“We were with the police for further statements who have handled us professionally as complainants and the new witness was also issued with a P3 to be filled out by a police doctor. We look forward to the course of justice by the charging of the suspect as soon as possible,” he said.
Ole Sereni video of the Ndichu twins brawl emerges
In the video, you can see two women fighting each other ferociously.
He said some of the select videos being circulated on social media are biased as they do not show the whole story.
“The video in question depicts a confrontation well after the assault on Stephanie on the 10th floor, and after the brutal knocking down of Patrick by one of the Ndichu twins and the smashing of the innocent car belonging to Samuel,” Murgor said.
“There is also footage showing the girlfriend of the Ndichu as the one who attacked the other group and also threw the first blow. In the fullness of time, the entire CCTV will become available to the public. My clients and their friend are all of small build and had no reason whatsoever to pick a fight with persons who were twice their size. Indeed they are refusal patrons and have never been involved in any commotion at the hotel.”
The officers also recorded a statement from a witness in the case who was also assaulted in the drama and issued him with a P3.
They also obtained official records of the M-Pesa transaction between the Ndichu brothers and Samuel whose car was damaged.
The team also inspected the car that was damaged during the drama at the hotel, which was photographed by the Scenes of Crime Personnel.
The Director of Public Prosecutions’ office had also asked police to confirm if the Ndichu brothers were armed and if they are licensed firearm holders.
Police said they were waiting for a report from the Firearms Licensing Board on the same.
The sisters and the other complainants had claimed the twin brothers threatened to shoot them as they beat them up both inside and outside the hotel.
The officers confirmed that the Ndichu’s and their lady friend will in due course be summoned for their side of the story.
Stephanie had last week said she was chocked by one of the brothers that she can’t now swallow food well while her sister said she had bite marks on her wrist and bruises out of the beating.
“We expect nothing but justice. While the IG has given assurance that the incident will be fully investigated, on our part, due to the alleged influence and power the perpetrators are supposed to wield, we demand that the IG assign the investigation to a special team at police headquarters who should ensure that the investigations are completed as soon as possible, and forwarded to the ODPP for the prosecution of the Ndichu twins,” they said.
The two girls run a designer clothesline in the city.
They said they were attending a wedding after-party at the hotel on the 10 floor and were accompanied by two friends Samuel Ramdas and Patrick Koech.
“Suddenly, the brother in dark clothes jumped onto Stephanie and started choking her by grabbing her by the throat. When her boyfriend Samuel attempted to rescue her he was also grabbed by the throat. After a few seconds he let go of the two extremely shaken couple but went on to threaten them by stating he had marked their faces,” Murgor said.
The hotel security and police intervened to save the victims from serious injury if not death, added Murgor.
“Taking some time off after embarrassing situation,” Eddie Ndichu narrates
Eddie Ndichu and his twin brother Paul Ndichu are in the eye of the storm of Kenyans collective consternation.This after a viral video emerged that …
The Ndichu brothers then pleaded to pay for the damage of the car mirrors and a dent at Sh110,000.
They made a report at Akila police station and were issued with P3 forms for injuries including a bite injury on Cheryl and tenderness on the neck of Stephanie.
The woman who was with the Ndichu twins later issued a statement terming their claims by the Murgors were lies.
Ms Munira Hassan claimed she was assaulted by the Murgor sisters and produced a medical report that shows she had bruises.
She added the twin brothers were trying to help out of the beating from one of the Murgor sisters and her boyfriend.
The brothers lost the support of one of the investors in their company Wapi Pay.
They also resigned from the company following the drama.
The investors Kepple Africa Venture revealed they will withdraw their funding from the tech firm after its co-founders, the Ndichu brothers, were accused of assaulting women.
In reaction, the Chinese investor revealed that they will cut ties with the company owned by the two brothers.