Renowned Musyi FM Presenter Wavinya Mwiitu wa Muthiani gave the details of the last moments of her father Muthiani Ndonye.

Speaking during the burial at his home in Kyemwole, Makueni County, Wavinya revealed that her dad had been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and the doctors told him that he was too old to start going for chemotherapy sessions.

She noted that after being told that by doctors in Nairobi hospital, they resorted to bringing her father back home so he could have time with his family and allow his family members to see him before his time lapsed.

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The Semba Semba drive show host went ahead to reveal that the father had only one month to live through palliative care.

“We have had a very good time with my father. We went with our father to Nairobi Hospital and we were told that Nau has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer and we were told that he could not start chemotherapy sessions,” she said.

“After we were told that I asked the doctor, do you want to tell us that we should go and wait for the death of our father? All we can do is give palliative care which is managing his pain and giving him comfort, Kyemwole people, for Nau to be admitted in Wote he was simply waving us goodbye. God gave him one month for us to say goodbye,” she added.

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