Apart from being a famous Kikuyu Mugithi artist, Joy is also a famous radio presenter who is currently working at Coro FM. She is also a famous social media influencer who commands a huge number of followers in all her social media platforms including on her YouTube channel which goes by her stage name.

In one of her interviews which she was at today, Joy revealed that when she started working as a volunteer as Coro FM, she was very shaggy and thin due to a lack of money and enough food.

She said that her fellow workers used to abuse her calling her Chokoraa which means a street child. She said that she used to cry every day due to this harsh abuse from her co-workers.

“Watu Walikua Wananiita Chokoraa- people used to call me chokora or street child because I was very shaggy and thin due to lack of money and food. she said.”


by: @kenyanews-media

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