” Was She A Girl?” Leonora Jacobs, Namibian Who Starred In Popular 1980 Film, The Gods Must Be Crazy

A source has reported about Leonora Jacobs, a Namibian who starred in a popular 1980 film, The Gods Must Be Crazy.

The gods must be crazy was so lovely movie. Wait she wasn’t a boy?? I remember binge-watching this with Mr. Bones and some other African movies. I can swear that’s the day I laughed the most. I watched and re-watched this film like a billion times.

I was today years old to know that the child was a girl, not a boy. I think The Gods must be Crazy is a part of everyone’s childhood memories. This movie will remain a beloved film, especially for the kids of the 80s and. 90s.

They had a day off being crazy when they made you. Loved that film. I remember laughing out loud in this movie. I thought she was a little boy. Have to watch it again sometime. Bet she was paid peanuts. The whites always use Blacks to end more money.

by: +254PW

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