Few days ago popular Kikuyu benga musician Wangari Wa Kabera came out saying that some years ago her daughter snatched her husband from her which left Kenyans shocked. Many were asking how it happened since it’s not a common thing for a child snatch their parent’s spouse. Some hours ago Wangari Wa Kabera Daughter was interviewed where she explained how it started.

She started by accepting the allegations, where she said it’s true she was dating her mother’s husband. Her name is Mary Wanjiru a daughter to Wangari Wa Kabera and she is her first born daughter. According to her, she was being raised by her grandmother after her mother left them behind when they were very young. After her KCPE exams she got married since her grandmother could not afford to take her to secondary school.

After getting married for some years, the marriage turned toxic and she went back home with her three children. She called her mother who gave her a job and she started working in her club. On snatching her mother’s husband, she said that the mother had a man who was living in USA, but she was playing him with another man.

The husband called her during the COVID-19 period asking if her mother was having an extramarital affairs behind his back. She refused to cooperate and the man offered her 50,000 if she would tell him the truth. He sent her 50,000 and she told him it was true the mother was having an affair with a motorbike rider. That was how they started having an affair, but all she wanted was his money.

She said the man was sending her 200,000 every weekend and they never met since he was in USA. She made it clear that they never had sexual encounter but they were talking on phone. Later the mother realized that she was having an affair with her husband and she was very angry. After sometime she looked for her mother and apologized, and they followed all traditions and she was forgiven.

She concluded by making it clear that the man never came to Kenya when they were having an affair and therefore there was no intimacy between them. She also made it clear that her daughter has no affair with the man, since she is married to a Luo man. Watch the full video below and share your views with us.

By Nairobinews

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