Waithaka Wa Jane is a famous Kikuyu mugithi artist who is one of the best young artists who is even going to perform live on stage in other countries due to his good voice and composition skills.

Apart from being a famous Kikuyu artist, Waithaka is also a famous social media influencer who commands a huge number of followers on all his social media platforms including on his YouTube channel which goes by his stage name.

In a trending video that has been going viral in Tiktok, this video says that Waithaka has been kept by a rich sugar mama or Mumama called Winnie. This video suggests that Waithaka has abandoned his wife and child because of this Lady.

After this, Waithaka reacted to this news by saying that they are rumors, he also said that his haters will wait for him to do such a thing but it won’t come to pass.


by: @kenyanews-media

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