Wahu is a very smart woman. How smart? Well, she is an actual mathematician and no, I do not mean that she like math but that she actually went to university to do more math. You can read more about how smart she is by clicking the link below:
8 Kenyan celebs you wouldn’t believe are geniuses
She actually has a lot more smart than just book smarts and one way she has shown this is by showing her business acumen. She set up a salon called Afro Siri and this was done nearly 6 years ago.
The Afro Siri team
And unlike most celebrities, Wahu did not simply rely on her star power to attract clients, she went the way of the proper professional and banked everything on service delivery. That’s right while other salons and barbershops with celebrity proprietors, bank on their owner to bring in clients either by directly handling the marketing themselves or actively pushing their celeb friends for endorsements, the singer has been steadily building a robust clientele by doing great work.
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We get it, this is not the easy route. It is slower and harder to actually make the business a success. It actually entails you getting the foundation of the business right which means hiring the right personnel and then training them even further on how to interact with the clients.
From there, Wahu doubtless had to rely on word of mouth for her marketing as satisfied customers went on to gush to their friends and work acquaintances about just how much they loved the services they had been given by Afro Siri.
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This in turn has given her a very reliable base of not just repeat customers (customer loyalty) but an army of unpaid marketeers who have been responsible for the success of the salon. So while 90% of businesses collapse in the first year alone, she has been able to not only stay afloat but succeed despite speed bumps such as Covid-19 lockdowns which decimated the Kenyan business landscape.
Her passion for beauty and her head for math have combined to earn Wahu some cool millions. So perhaps the next step for her or anyone in a situation similar to hers is to begin contemplating expansion of the business and for that, we have the best partners for you.