On the Tubonge Tuesday conversation February 1, Mike Mondo spoke about older men and younger girls in relationships. He told ‘There is a youtube clip and basically it’s an interview of a gentleman asking ladies why they like dating mubaba.’
In the video the girls were advocating dating wababa and that vijana hawajui mapenzi’ described one interviewee who added ‘wanatupea pesa’
Kingangi bragged that the ‘wababa are good at loving ‘it’s the love’ he told Mike taking shots at young men who think they are loved because of havign six packs. He teased them ‘hizo si pack hulipa rent, inakusaidia aje ama zinalipa token?’
‘ladies mbona mnapenda wababa? is it the love or is it the money? Mike opened up the discussion to the audience.
A girl called and said ‘wabab give us peace of mind, it is not about money, they know what we need, peace of mind ndio tunatakanga,’
Another girl called in and said ‘these people (mubaba) are very caring, I have one and I love him for real nampenda this guy he provides everything amenipea peace of mind, he doesn’t go through my phone na is not after twa twa, He doesn’t give me sress if I don’t pick up my phone when he calls unlike young men hawa watu wako tuu poa wanakuchunga tuu kama wanajua hujalipa rent, lazima ukule, we are not with them for money, w e need peace of mind vijana wanatusumbua’