A video doing rounds social media platforms of a female teacher dancing with pupils while welcoming them back to school for term two academic calendar has left netizens talking. In the said video, the teacher is seen dancing freely with her pupils who also appeared were enjoying the moments with their teacher.

The act of the said teacher dancing while smiling throughout has made netizens to conclude that she has a good relationship with her pupils. Some of Kenyans online who have come across that video have commented saying indeed that teacher has the best skills of interacting with her pupils. Some have gone ahead confirming that, during their time at school, their teachers were ever serious, no one could do with them what that teacher was captured on video doing with her pupils.

This information has been brought to public attention by Alfred Koech Sergeant, on his official Facebook page. Netizens have flooded on his timeline, praising that teacher for making pupils enjoy her lessons.

Upon seeing this news story, a netizen identified as Catherine Nduta has commented saying, ” I actually love the kind of relationship that some teachers have cultivated with students…in our era teachers instilled fear and never made learning fun…we survived though not with pleasant memories.” She wrote.

Another who goes by the name Nyt Langat has said, ” That madam is a vibe..kids would not want to miss class..our time you would fear even eye contact with a teacher.”

Here is a link with more details to this story.


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