The body of the late Kalenjin Comedian Chongin has today evening arrived at his home in Transmara sub-county in Narok, The late comedian who acted stunts portraying himself in a coffin among other controversial stunts died in a road crash along Olenguruone-Bomet road last week.
The Kalenjin sensational comedian was a young man, newly married, and had a bright future after completing his campus studies a few years ago. The late comedian died a few days after another comedian and Tiktoker Brian Chira died in another accident in Kaimbu road. Brian Chira was laid to rest on 26th March 2024.
The coffin was tilted to the side to allow it to enter the house where the comedian was living. However, the way his coffin was handled has caused a lot of uproar among the Netizens. Some are saying that his body was mishandled and was against the Kalenjin traditions.