Today, on her official Facebook page, King Kaka’s wife, Nana Owiti has shared a post to her fans which consist of her lovely photo posing nicely with a guy by the name Wulff. At the caption, Nana Owiti expressed her joy of meeting with this guy who is an Hollywood producer. below is the screenshot of her post;
Nana Owiti seems to be working on something as she said this at the caption section;
“I’m beyond excited for what’s to come and can’t wait to work under the capable leadership of Mr. Wulff”.
After this interesting post, one of her fan by the name Erick Kipronoh complimented her hardwork by commenting as follows;
” Proud of you. Making solid moves but don’t leave the King”.
Her fan above has congratulated Nana Owiti for the good moves she had made up to meeting and working with the greatest producer of Hollywood movies, Mr Wulff. On the other part, when Nana Owiti was in London, there were romours that she has parted ways with her husband King kaka but that was not true and his fan above begged him not to live King Kaka and his sentiments is based on those break-up romours.