Comedian Eric Omondi has found himself under heavy criticism by radio presenter Andrew Kibe; who has dissed him for his recent campaigning strategy for business mogul Jimmy Wanjigi. Eric has been campaigning for Jimmy Wanjigi for weeks now; who is vying for presidency in the next general election.
Eric has employed different strategies of convincing young people to choose Wanjigi. He was recently seen dressed as a woman; and in extreme facial make-up.
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Eric Omondi in make-up and womenā€™s outfit-IG
This is what has got Andrew Kibe at loggerheads with Eric Omondi. He terms this behavior as obnoxious. He posted a video addressing him saying;
ā€Eric Iā€™m talking to you man. Nilimwona amefanya video juzi, amejivaa kaa dem, amepaka mpaka make-up, selling a political candidate. Nikajiuliza why? I donā€™t have to dress like women to talk to womenā€¦ Women respond to menā€¦ ID yako imeandikwaje? Ama ni Ericaā€¦ You need to change your ways. Ukona tabia za kidem sasa wewe. Na since ukona tabia za kidem lazima tukuambie sasa. Sit your fkin a$$ bro. Stop that bullsht. What are you teaching our kids?ā€¦ā€
Kibe continued to state that women celebrating Eric Omondi is not right.
ā€Even you women sometimes you pis$ the sh*t out of meā€¦ Women please stop lying to men. Tusirudi garden of eden. Now women are celebrating Eric Omondi as he dresses like a woman.


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