Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika encountered a challenging moment on Friday while attending a funeral in Bahati Constituency.

The governor had been tasked with reading President William Ruto’s message of condolence at the funeral of Henry Gachie, the brother of Bahati MP Irene Njoki. However, the crowd reacted unfavorably, booing and jeering as she attempted to deliver the President’s speech.

The mourners, who had gathered in Bibilioni village to pay their final respects, were seemingly not in a mood to entertain speeches from Kenya Kwanza leaders. This showed the growing frustrations in the local political environment.

Governor Kihika struggled to be heard over the noise but managed to plead with the crowd, urging them to let her deliver the message, stating that it was for the grieving family.

“Siku hizi mko moto sana… tunashukuru kwa kutupa ujumbe wa hali halisi,” Kihika said after finally reading the speech. This roughly translates to, “These days, you are very outspoken… we thank you for giving us the message of the current situation,”

Other leaders in attendance also faced hostility. Ndia MP George Macharia, who tried to rally support for the government, was forced to abandon his speech altogether. Despite his efforts to engage with the mourners, the crowd refused to listen, signaling their discontent with the political messages being shared.

Kiambu Woman Representative Anne Wamuratha attempted to calm the situation by singing a popular Kikuyu gospel song. While her signature song often wins over crowds, this time, she found herself singing alone, as the mourners refused to join in.

EALA MP Kanini Kega, on the other hand, chose to distance himself from the ongoing issues in Kenya, humorously stating that he spends most of his time in Tanzania. “Mimi huwa siko huku, mimi huwa Tanzania. Kwa hivo muniulize mambo ya Tanzania,” he remarked, meaning, “I am not usually here; I’m in Tanzania. So ask me about Tanzania.”

By Newsmedia

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