Petrol, the black gold holds a great value globally and it determines the price of many products around the world.
If you are living in Dubai, you must be interested to check gasoline and petrol prices each month. UAE has announced the petrol prices for May 2024. All prices are still increasing for the fifth month now!
In this article, we will walk you through UAE petrol prices for May 2024.
UAE Announces Petrol Prices for May 2024
UAE Fuel Price Committee has announced UAE Petrol Prices for May 2024 with an increase as the following:
Super 98 Petrol
Will cost Dh3,34 a liter, compared to Dh3.15 in April.
Special 95 Petrol
Will cost Dh3.22 per liter, compared to Dh3.03 last month.
E-Plus 91 Petrol
Will cost Dh3.15 a liter, compared to Dh2.96 a liter in April.
Diesel on the other hand has witnessed a drop in price.
Will be charged at DH3.07 in May compared to DH3.09 in April.
The new prices and rates will apply from the first of May 2024.

If you are wondering about the price of refueling your car while you are living in Dubai, you must know that prices are slightly going up each month now!
It also depends on the tank size of your car and the kilometers you usually drive on daily basis.
Reasons Behind Petrol Prices Change:
– The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) determines prices globally.
– Supply and demand determines price change.
– Natural incidents plays a big role as well.
– Taxes and interest rates.
In this article, we have walked you through petrol prices in UAE.
UAE announces petrol prices for May 2024 depending on the global price of fuel. For the fifth month in sequence, UAE has been witnessing a slight increase in fuel prices.