After the devastating floods that swept through Kamuchiri Village in Mai Mahiu, Kenyans have been left astounded after noting a house that stood strong amidst the deluge that washed away homes, vehicles, and lives.

The incident happened at 3 am on Monday morning after a tunnel previously created by Kenya Railways and abandoned leading to accumulation of water burst its banks, and released water that wreaked havoc on the village.

Reports from Naivasha Police Commander Stephen Kirui confirmed the severity of the incident, revealing that several casualties were rushed to Naivasha Hospital for urgent treatment.

Amidst the scenes of destruction and loss, images surfaced on social media capturing a solitary two-story house seemingly untouched by the chaos around it. Kenyans took expressed their amazement at the survival of this house. Many attributed its miraculous escape to both exceptional construction and divine intervention.

The images of the house, surrounded by debris and mud, stood in stark contrast to the devastation that engulfed the rest of the village.

The scene portrays an extensive area covered by deluge and destroyed structures but the house seemed untouched thus sparking a wave of admiration from Kenyans who also said the constructor did a good job. May God comfort the affected families.

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