Celebrity couples are like any other couples who have ups and downs in their relationship. They might look like they have it all together, but the truth is, it’s not always sunshine and roses. Behind every perfectly posed social media photo there could be plenty of trouble beneath.
When celebrities people open up about the struggles within their relationships, it can be oddly comforting. Though they certainly don’t owe the public any details about their personal problems, it serves as a reminder that the trials and tribulations of love are often issues that money can’t solve.
Popular content creator Robert Ndegwa, alias Thee Pluto and his long-term girlfriend, Felicity Shiru held a question and answer session with their fans this week, promising that they would answer any questions on Felicity’s YouTube channel.
The frequently asked assumptions was if they do have heated conflicts as a couple. Thee Pluto revealed they do have conflicts that even last two to three days. Adding that people only see the best part on social media but out of public view things are messy at times.
“Whatever you see on social media sometimes isikudanganye eti behind the scenes everything is okay. Tunakosananga sometimes ata si siku moja. Siku mbili, tatu. By the end of the day mnakaa chini mna solve. Vyenye hii relationship yetu iko probably ata yako iko ivyo. Watu wataona only the best part of you guys but behind the scenes kuna kukosana.” Pluto
According to Felicity the best takeaway on how they handle their conflicts is through communication.
“By the way there is no perfect couple. We do have arguments. Unajua si eti mnaweza have arguments muende mkapost kwa stories. You only go there and post photos nothing else. So yeah we do have arguments sometimes but it’s a matter of communication.”
by: 24hrsnewsblog