Police In Nyeri have arrested several supporters of former mungiki boss Maina Njenga. In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that the suspects were arrested by Police officers after gathering in order to attend Maina Njenga’s rally.
Several sources have confirmed that the deputy president of Kenya, Mr Rigathi Gachagua who spoke about the Mungiki gang has stated that the Kenya Kwanza government under President William Ruto will not allow the gang to regroup.
It is so unfortunate that their leader was being pushed forward by individuals who you know. The government under President William Ruto and I is not going to allow the gang to come back to this country, they will not be allowed to regroup because as you all know, the gang did some terrible things to our mothers and daughters ~Dp Rigathi Gachagua.
Mr Rigathi Gachagua has also urged youths to give President William Ruto time to create job opportunities in the country stating that the government needs time.
This is happening at the same time when it has been reported that Maina Njenga’s lawyer Ndegwa Njiru who spoke about this rally has stated that the deputy president of Kenya has ordered the police to arrest youths in Nyeri.
Taking to his different social media platforms to express his opinion on this topic, Ndegwa has stated that it is so unfortunate that the deputy president of Kenya is trying to limit Maina Njenga’s right to associate with others.