The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on Wednesday January 26, launched Kenya’s first ever live-streaming lessons.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia at the launch of live-streaming lessons in Kenya
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia at the launch of live-streaming lessons in Kenya
The live streaming of lessons will be piloted for two months, focusing on the Sciences, Mathematics and English subjects.
”Students from 110 sub-counties from 30 counties will access live-streaming lessons from teachers of top schools in a bid to ease staff shortage,” Dr Nancy Macharia said.
This initiative will also help students in lower cadre schools to access the same standards of education as those in National schools.
Mrs Macharia said that the lessons will be delivered from two principal schools – Alliance Girls High School and Machakos Boys High School – and streamed to 10 other satellite schools in the selected sub-counties.
KESSHA Chairman Kahi Indimuli at the launch of live-streaming lessons in Kenya
KESSHA Chairman Kahi Indimuli at the launch of live-streaming lessons in Kenya
Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Chairman Kahi Indimuli welcomed the initiative, describing it as a game-changer in the education sector.
”We are getting into an era of teachers without borders. We want to appreciate TSC’s innovative thinking because it provides us with the chance to share knowledge and apparatus,” he praised.
On his part, Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Secretary General Misori Akello stated that live-streaming lessons would bridge the resources gap in schools.
”I am happy TSC is mitigating performance gaps through interventions like live streaming. We shall have better performance of learners in target subjects and balanced syllabus coverage,” added Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) KNUT Secretary General Collins Oyuu.


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