Yesterday, a report came out that a mysterious disease struck students of St. Teresa Eregi Girls High school in Kakamega. According to the trending videos the girls are seen struggling to walk as their legs are weak and they are shaking the whole body.
This incident has left the whole country in shock and confusion as nobody, even doctors, can tell what is happening to the students. The ministry of education announced the closure of the school as investigations are still going on to establish what happened.
According to various sources online, there are three possibilities that can explain what happened or is happening at the Catholic church sponsored school.
One, some people argue that these students might just be engaging in some gimmicks to have the school closed down. Those who argue this way pointed out that from some video clips going viral online, it is only students in the ground floor of the building who are seen wailing and shaking while their fellows who are on the first floor are seen watching them in shock. This leaves many questions as to how the disease only affected those in ground floor but spared others and again if they were under spiritual attack, how did the spirits only attack selected section of the students.
Second possibility is that the students are attacked by bad spirits. As per some unverified and untrusted sources, it is alleged that there was a pastor who was invited to the school and had talked to the students only for them to be attacked later by the unknown illness. Again this is baseless and only anchored on rumours and superstitious beliefs. It is yet to be confirmed if indeed there was any pastor in the school.
Lastly, some argue that the students were affected by a chemical substance they interacted with in the laboratory. This is also just a thought as the school has not provided any detail of such chemical if it was or the doctors have not managed to establish if there was any chemical traces in the students’ system.
Therefore, as at now, there is no concrete and substantial report on what transpired at Eregi girls that led to that massive number of students behave like zombies. Parents and Kenyans in general are waiting on the government and relevant authorities to give a report on what happened.
By Raligo