Few minutes ago, Edday Nderitu took to her facebook page to share a photo. In a short post, the mother-of-three informed her fans that in the game of life, they are the ultimate bosses. She further advised them to never let circumstances define their happiness. In addition Edday observed that they should always trust their instincts and forge their own path to success and fulfillment.
“In this grand game of life, you are the ultimate boss! Don’t let circumstances define your happiness. Embrace your inner power, trust your instincts, and forge your own path to success and fulfillment. Happy Thursday #nothingbutprayers #powerofprayers #answeredprayers” She wrote.
Many kenyans on social media found the post interesting and they quickly flocked on the comment section to express their views. Below is a few of their comments;
Edday Nderitu continues to attract a huge number of followers on social media, many now look up to her posts daily for motivational purposes. We continue to wish her well.