The Kenyan government has been calling on citizens to get vaccinated against the Coronavirus.
Variety of vaccines including AstraZeneca and Moderna have been made available for all members of the public.
However, the percentage of vaccinated Kenyans still remains to be low, especially in rural areas.
This is because there have been many myths about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.
One of the most common reason why Kenyans do not want to be vaccinated is fearing that it might affect their reproductive system.
Men have expressed concerns on failing to raise to the bedroom occasion after getting the vacine.
However leaders have urged Kenyans to shun the myths, and get vaccinated for their own good.
ā€œLet me tell you, I have taken the vaccine twice and can confirm to you that the strength (libido) is high, donā€™t even ask. The other issue about siring, bring a young woman who wants to get pregnant and see if I wonā€™t sire,ā€ Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho advised.
Mpasho conducted a research and a section of Kenyans shared some of the reasons why they do not want to be vaccinated.
Here are the respnses;
“Am perfectly fine with my immunity.”
“I don’t want to risk having kids.”
“Because i don’t want to.”
“I am still not convinced that its safe for me and my future generation.”
“Transformer itakufa mama achukuliwe.”
“Waiting for those who got to turn into zombies.”


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