A video circulating online, posted by Kenya Gossip Hub’s official Twitter account, has stirred uproar among Kenyans. The footage reveals live maggots wriggling inside tightly packed trays of eggs at the Kingara Road Branch of Naivas Supermarket.
The unidentified woman behind the video has sparked a wave of reactions across social media platforms, as concerned citizens express their shock and disgust at the unsanitary discovery.
The video serves as a stark reminder of the importance of food safety standards and has prompted calls for accountability from Naivas Supermarket management. Customers are demanding swift action to ensure such incidents are not repeated, emphasizing the need for stringent quality control measures in the food industry.
In response to the outcry, Naivas Supermarket issued a statement pledging to investigate the matter thoroughly and take appropriate measures to address any lapses in hygiene and product quality.
The incident has reignited discussions about consumer rights and the role of businesses in upholding safety standards. Kenyan consumers are calling for greater transparency and accountability from retailers to safeguard against such health hazards.
As the investigation unfolds, the public awaits further updates on the steps taken by Naivas Supermarket to rectify the situation and restore confidence among its customers. The incident serves as a cautionary tale highlighting the importance of vigilance when it comes to food safety and the need for continuous monitoring of product quality in retail establishments.