Brian Chira who was Kenya’s best actor at the Kenya National Drama Fest back in 2017 has passed away.

Reportedly, Brian Chira died from a grisly road accident after he was hit by a lorry which sped off after hitting him as he was trying to cross the road after alighting a bodaboda(motorcyle).

The controversial TikToker was coming from a bar at Gacharage area where he was kicked out after causing a commotion. It is from here that he boarded a bodaboda to take him home.

Police are currently looking into the matter as it is currently under investigation.

Netizens have since come forward to confirm that he has indeed passed away with one Joeros TV actually going to City Mortuary to confirm that the TikTok sensation is dead.

Brian Chira will be remembered for a lot of things but most famously, he will be remembered for the tussle he had publicly with fellow TikTok star, Azziad Nasenya which saw him getting arrested.

By BiggestKaka

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