Busia online sensation Kelvin Ikwara who has grown in stature for his hilarious and unbothered TikTok dance videos has left netizens with question marks, after he posted a video of himself in a dress.
Netizens were confused as Kelvin, who barely responds to comments, went on about his business posting more questionable videos.
“Sasa umeanza kuwa bladifaki” one user commented, while another chimed in, “Fame kidogo, sasa umeanza umama.” Others disapproved with comments such as, “You were so funny being yourself, waz all this?”, and more in the same breath, “Here we go now, I knew he would go this extra mile,” sparking more controversy on the post.
Even popular fitness guru and online content creator Shiv Simani could be seen on the comments saying, “Nah man”, when a user asked him if he was not feeling it, Shiv laughed and responded “Nah” suggesting he does not support it.
Ikwara blew up after his dance videos went viral, even landing on popular American gossip blog, The Shade Room.


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