Raburu has been top in term of entertainment at RMS especially with his Friday show 10 over 10.The show has been lit .Be has been a journalist who did promote musicians.

He has given a number of musicians platforms to explore.Emcees too as well as dancers have received good welcoming at RMS during his show .

The term ‘Wabebeeeeee’ has been hot and its time to say bye bye to Willis Raburu also known as ‘Bazuu’.

Many are asking ,how can Raburu quit RMS where he has been receiving heavy liquidity ?Based on information he has been earning more than Ksh 400000.With this economy no one can leave this for nothing .Its means he has somewhere .

Not just somewhere ,where he might get more than what he has been receiving from RMS .The article has three proposed areas he can go to.


This is company has lured a number of presenters from their stations.Fred Arocho moved from Radio Jambo to here ,Ali Hassan ,Beatrice Maganga ,the list long .They have TV47 and Radio 47 which is growing rapidly .Raburu might be heading here where he might have been promised something good than what he gets at RMS.

2.Music industry

The Kalale hit maker might have a breakthrough to start continue his talent in music .He might have a great link to focus on music alone .He has been doing a lot at RMS which maybe he has find it hard to prosper in his career in Music.Raburu flexibility at RMS where he can do everything ; News anchoring, show hosting ,reporting among others might have been the burden thus he need to focus on one thing .

3.Government Call

The Kenya Kwanza government has poached a number of citizen journalists.James Gachuri is a good example.Raburu might have a call to be the head of creative content maker in the country by the ruling government which could see him earn more than at RMS.

by: Muyela01

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