Having that one significant other that you so much love is fun, but when it comes to dating, we have different preferences on how things should be.
Most people have their own beliefs related to dating that sabotage their chances of finding love. Below are some of the myths that keep you from finding love, you should look so deeply into these.
Myth 1. A woman should play hard to get to find a perfect partner – first, there is no perfect partner, every person has their own good and bad sides. If you act unapproachable, the man will assume that you are not interested since they also have to gather a lot of courage before making a move. Everyone loves people who seem friendly and approachable, it gives you respect of its own.
Myth 2. You will not know or know love at first sight – it is important to pay attention to your hunches, do not be so quick to judge. Good things sometimes take time but some come real quick so it does not depend on how well you have known someone or how soon you met them to know about them. This sets up a disaster. It is your intuition that will guide you in the right direction.
Myth 3. In order to find true love, have a great number of significant others before making a choice– we are taught that the larger number of mates the greater your chances of finding love. These lies stop single people from finding love and develop a negative attitude towards love. I mean who would want a squad of men in her life in the name of looking for love, I would get scared too if that was the method to finding love or to dating.