What’s crazy is that men have been saying these things for many years, it’s just that it’s fallen on deaf ears. Here is a list of things men wish women knew:
It’s hard to get over you after a breakup. We don’t really have emotional support systems in place to rely on and alot of men have small social circles so losing someone means alot to us.
We actually want to be complimented. a 60 year old woman complimented me and it still makes me feel good. which shows how little we get compliments.
Just because I’m not talking doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying my time with you.
We aren’t great with hints. Communication is key.
I really like to hang out with my friends because I love them not because I don’t want to spend time with you.
When we tell women we don’t know how we feel about some things, it’s usually true and we genuinely don’t understand how we are supposed to feel.
Men have emotions and there are points where we need to cry. Tears happen not just from pain but also from joy.
It’s okay to make the first move. Guys can be shy too. Come talkto me instead of staring at mer.
We don’t know where we want to eat too.
We like random gifts and random signs of affection and love. Sometimes just acup of coffee in my favorite mug is enough to convince me it’s going to be a good day.
We don’t do the whole hint or guess what I want. Men are direct and straight to the point and if you want us to do something. Tell us exactly don’t hint