He was one of the few former Kenya Air Force soldiers who survived the former President Daniel Arap Moi’s whip after the attempted 1982 coup.

For remaining loyal to Moi at the time his colleagues staged a coup against Nyayo, Major General ( Rtd) Dancun Wachira was rewarded handsomely.

In 1989, the airman who appointed by Moi as Kenya Air Force Commander. He would serve the airmen for five years until 1994 when he bowed out.

But behind this stellar military career, Major General ( Rtd) Wachira led a troubled family life. Having divorced his wife, he found himself in an unending feud with his children over property.

Keen to break his solitude, the former Kenya Air Force Commander found comfort at his housegirl’s wife, whom he decided to marry. But wrangles with the children of his estranged wife persisted and the row ended up in court.

But in 2019, at the time the former general’s family life had hit an all time low, Major General ( Rtd) Wachira passed on at 76 years on his birthday. This marked the end of his troubled family life. And for the former soldier, it was his final salute for the seven decades he had lived.

by: LarryKatana

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