The Queen of long legs. Beautiful with brains. If they disagree tell them they agree later not a problem.

You look fantastic! Meditation is great all the time. Peace unto you!

A netizen has said that, What I know is that I love this woman,her energy alone is on another level. Through your motivation and inspirations. Now I’m starting to enjoy my hard work little by little.

I’m not yet celebrating,I’m far from being there by I know one day I will look back and smile. It doesn’t matter how old you are.

Another netizen has alleged that, It’s called God’s favour and Grace..not brains some have it and they’re not where you are. You’re beautifully and wonderfully made madam boss.

More to that, someone else has said, what I can say is just some people are just bitter. I don’t know why yet Mrs Schweitzer is far much ahead of them.

by: WagsJ

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