A priest by the name Msgr Stephen Roseti has disclosed hidden secrets of the dark world. He has said that the relationship between demons and priest is that of hatred towards one another.

While describing how a demon possessed man responded to him during deliverance session, the priest revealed that the man told him that we (demons) hate priests. The priest went ahead to state that when demons see a priest they see an embodiment of Christ in them. He says that demons are coward and nothing in the face of Christ because they fear him so much.

Stephen further described when him and his team were on the process of exorcising a last demon out of a possessed person the demon got up and looked at them with worry. When the priest commanded the demon to tell him why he was rebellious and refusing to leave he told him;

“The others will beat me up. They are calling me a coward”

The priest disclosed that clearly the demon was really frightened to get out.

He went ahead to state that whe he realized that the posses person was very weak and the demon was almost exiting, he capitalised on that weakness and questioned the demon. He asked him (demon) how many they were and who was the name of their leader and other secretive information.

However the demon declined to reveal answers to the priest’s question. When the priest inquired why he remained silent. The demon responded;

“The others will beat me up. They are already angry about me because I am about to give you this information”

These shows that demons too have rankings. For instance, some people have had visions of demons beating up humans in hell. However, demons beat each others too. Even in hell demons have hierarchy from lower to higher ranks.

by: Eaglenews

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