We lived together with Agnes and we were officially declared husband and wife in a colorful wedding some three years ago. I was 27 years old while she was 24 years of age. Life was really a paradise since we were a young couple employed by the county government so we were paid a very good salary. We had not been blessed by a child as we opted to go for family planning but still getting a kid was among our plans. Agnes was really a cute lady, energetic and so every person felt jealousy of our marriage.

As time went by the more I understood Agnes given that we had a short time in our courtship time so we did not understand each other properly. She would correct me each time she thought I was doing the wrong thing and I too would do the same if she too wronged. No one had hard feelings when it came to our relationship. We had no much responsibility with Agnes like paying school fee since we had no kid at that time. Our money mainly we spent on partying and paying our bills like house rents. Clubbing and partying became our addiction but to me it had extremely blown my mind. At the club I would drink too much alcohol, smoke weed the same to my wife.

I did that for a while despite my wife urging me it was now the right time to settle down and reduce the clubbing and partying life. This fell on a deaf ear as I continued with my habit each day. I was even introduced to cocaine and later became used to it. At times I could go to work when I was compulsively drank hence I was nicknamed the drank master by my fellow work mates. Drugs especially cocaine were my breakfast and when I had not indulged them, I was a bit not charm. Things started going a miss as I was sacked by the County government. My wife was really safe since she had seized taking drugs. To relieve pressure I even bounced to cocaine more than before. Frequent hallucinations were my theme. I imagined things that were infinity to happen.

I was not able even to meet my wife conjugal rights. My closest friends took the advantage and banged her. Each time she came home late escorted by my close friend who really had a relationship with her. I could not have talked for in the first place I had no job and secondly drugs and more specifically cocaine had made me look like a powerless man. So my friends would take the advantage. When I asked my wife why she was not loyal, she said that she would not have sustained that entire dry spell as if she had no feelings. As time went by I even lost my voice due to much indulgence of cocaine into my body. My weight now was 45kg from 76kgs. People who closely knew me started claiming I was HIV positive and more specifically the full blown stage since I was just a scarecrow walking around. I even doubted my weight was 40 kgs because I had clothes so they added more weight. Things were really not going the right way. I started even stealing my wife money just to meet my addiction in taking cocaine. I could not even donate little milligrams of blood since I looked like an underage. What really shocked me was my wife really still showed love to me despite her being banged elsewhere.

One day my wife came home and she said she had a solution to my cocaine and substance addiction. She claimed she had read from the internet through website www.kiwangadoctors.com the next morning she accompanied me to Kiwanga doctors for treatment. I was released and I was feeling I had been really relived from a certain burden from my head. I did not feel like taking cocaine but I was still charm. We returned back home and really when I passed near the cocaine vending places and other drug substances I felt like I was having an allergy. I later got a job in an insurance company just by Mombasa city. We lived together with Agnes happily. I really thank Kiwanga doctors for saving my life which had gone astray with drugs and substance taking especially cocaine.

Any person with addiction in drug addiction should visit Kiwanga who always have a solution in solving such menace. Kiwanga doctors also solve bad luck, good luck and struggle in business just in three days. Don’t hesitate to call them.

For consultations call +254769404965 / E-mail kiwangadoctors@gmail.com or visit the website www.kiwangadoctors.com.



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