Anwar Loitiptip and Aeedah Bambi situation is a tricky one because of the manner in which their relationship started. And the worst thing about it is that there is nothing anyone can do until one of the parties involved decides to actually speak up about the reality of the situation given all the allegations swirling around.
Alar, alar! Senator Anwar Loitiptip’s alleged side chick leaks his ‘nasty’ private chats online
You see, the first red flag was when disgraced former Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko’s daughter Saumu Mbuvi first accused him of being quick to anger.
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He came out to defend himself -not from the allegations but rather his motivation. Apparently, he was indeed the type to run a fade with Saumu Mbuvi because she is bipolar. She is crazy and the only way he knew to handle her outbursts was by flexing his wrist and smacking her around.
Saumu’s ex husband Anwar Loitiptip allegedly beating up his new woman like a Burukenge
Then came the stories about how Anwar Loitiptip and Aeedah Bambi had started their relationship by running around behind Saumu Mbuvi’s back and carrying on in an affair. That must have peeved Hera off to high heaven!
Anwar Loitiptip is accused of assaulting Aeedah Bambi
Remember too, when word went round about how at a certain album launch by singer Bahati, Anwar Loitiptip had turned his rage on his now-wife, Aeedah Bambi? Yup, so with all the rumours being circulated about the nature of their conflict resolution methods, how can one not start believing the rumours?
Karma? Aeedah Bambi allegedly beaten black and blue by Senator Anwar Loitiptip, she responds
And to make matters worse, when internet in-laws and busybodies tried to rally around Aeedah Bambi, she claimed the rumours were being peddled by jobless individuals. So all her fans and the vile feminists were stuck. No one knows how to help her.
Anwar shows off id shoulder And perhaps this is the type of situation that they thrive in as a couple… Because even before the dust had settled, Anwar Loitiptip, the sitting Lamu Senator, was accused and charged for allegedly sg a woman. The woman has since come out to claim she was simply trying to protect Aeedah Bambi from her husband’s wrath. But how do we as a society come in to help? How can any of the vile feminists swoop into the rescue of whichever party needs rescuing? Lady s*t by Anwar speaks
Theirs is a tricky situation. Nothin we can do but watch the circus act unfold. I am firmly in the camp “Not my monkey, not my circus” because this situation is so tricky, the first step would be a simple one. That’s how tricky it is.
Situations that require simple first steps are often the hardest to clear up -because often it indicates ego is involved. And that makes this a dicey topic.


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