The Ministry of Education in Kenya has recently concluded the placement process for Form One students in 2024, bringing forth a pivotal moment for candidates who underwent the KCPE tests in 2023.

To access their placement results, students now have the option to view them online or receive them via SMS.For those eager to download their Form One admission letters, a systematic approach is essential:

National Schools Admission Letters: Begin by visiting the [Ministry of Educationā€™s website](provided link). Once there, select the county and sub-county corresponding to your KCPE center. Enter your index number and click “Submit.” Your admission letter can be accessed by clicking the ā€œadmission letterā€ link at the bottom of the page. Print the letter using the printer icon or download it to your computer.

It’s imperative to have your primary schoolā€™s principal sign and stamp the letter before submission, accompanied by a verified copy of your birth certificate for the admission process.

Extra County Admission Letters: Visit the [Ministry of Educationā€™s website](provided link). Input your index number and choose the county and sub-county of your KCPE center before clicking “Submit.” Access your admission letter through the ā€œadmission letterā€ link at the bottom. Print or download the letter using the provided icons. Ensure the head teacher of your primary school signs and stamps the letter before submission, along with an official copy of your birth certificate.

County Schools Admission Letters: Navigate to the [Ministry of Educationā€™s website](provided link) and choose the county and sub-county where your KCPE center is located. Enter your index number and click “Submit.” Access your admission letter through the ā€œadmission letterā€ link. Print or download the letter using the icons provided. It’s crucial that the principal of your elementary school signs and stamps the letter.

Submit it for admission along with a certified copy of your birth certificate.This comprehensive guide empowers students with clear instructions for downloading their Form One admission letters, providing a roadmap for a smooth admission process.

This resource is invaluable for candidates and their parents as they navigate this significant transition in their educational journey.

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