Teachers want free learning cash released to schools in seven days or else their operations will grind to a halt.
Schools are yet to receive funds to buy learning materials and fees for those in secondary schools almost a month into term one. The government is also yet to release about 15 per cent of the amount carried forward from last year.
Kenya Primary Schools Heads Association National chairman Shem Ndolo summed up the situation: ā€œWe are barely survivingā€. He said that the Education ministry has assured them that the money will be released on Friday. Similar sentiments were echoed by secondary school heads.
The government supports free primary education and subsidises secondary learning in the ratio of 50:30:20.
Secondary schools were allocated Sh32 billion while primary schools got Sh14 billion, this financial year.
On Wednesday, Kenya National Union of Teachers secretary general Wilson Sossion wrote to Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangā€™i, warning that learning was grinding to a halt.
The delay has made it difficult for schools to buy supplies and finance drama festivals and ball games, he said.
ā€œFurther, we demand that your ministry ensures that at all times, funds are disbursed to schools before they open to allow the schoolsā€™ boards of management to procure goods and services for students,ā€ wrote Mr Sossion.
Dr Matiangā€™i and ministry officials had not responded to the issue by the time of going to press on Wednesday evening.


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