While many actors have reported to be struggling after leaving the career. Teacher Kilunda has proved otherwise. Narrating how he is living currently, the famous actor revealed that he started a salon business back in 2020 when Covid 19 pandemic hit the country. The sudden loss of of income following the ending of the popular Citizen Television show forced him to relocate to the rural areas in a bid to make ends meet.

Admitting that he had not properly invested, the actor revealed that the loss of income left him staring down at poverty. According to him, the decision to end the show was abrupt as they woke up one morning only to be told that their services were no longer needed. Many were forced to invent ways of surviving and he was one of them. His family was forced to remain in Nairobi while he shifted to the village. However, he now finds village life to be peaceful and has no pressure of going back to the city unless another opportunity comes up.


by: Malia254

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