Experts have explained the red flags and common signs of bladder cancer as 10,000 people are diagnosed in the UK every year
Bladder cancer is the eleventh most common type of cancer in the UK, with over 10,000 Brits diagnosed every year. It is the 8th most common cancer in men.
In time for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month this May, Jennifer Argent at Patient Claim Line has broken down the key signs of bladder cancer that Brits should look out for, and what to do if your symptoms haven’t been treated quickly enough.
She said: “Bladder cancer occurs when cells in your bladder lining grow or divide abnormally, leading to the formation of a tumour. This is most common in the inner lining of your bladder, often referred to as the transitional epithelium or the urothelium.
“Urothelial bladder cancer, also known as traditional cell bladder cancer, is the most common type, making up 90% of bladder cancer cases in the UK. Other rarer types of bladder cancer include squamous cell bladder cancer, small cell bladder cancer, adenocarcinoma, and sarcoma.
“Bladder cancer can either be described as muscle-invasive or non-muscle-invasive by your doctor depending on the extent it has spread. If it has grown into the deeper tissues then it will be called muscle-invasive bladder cancer.”
Bladder cancer takes a long time to develop so usually affects older people. Cancer Research states that 60% of new cases are diagnosed in people aged 75 and over.
Jennifer said: “The NHS cites blood in your urine (haematuria) as the most common sign of bladder cancer and research has shown that 80% of Brits diagnosed with this form of cancer experience this as a symptom.
“Other red flag symptoms that our clients have experienced can include needing to urinate frequently, urgently, or feeling a burning sensation when urinating.
“Patients suffering from advanced bladder cancer may experience symptoms such as pain in their pelvis or bones, swollen legs, or unexpected weight loss.
“It’s important to note that all of these symptoms can be related to other medical conditions and may not result from bladder cancer. However, medical guidance is to consult your GP should any of these symptoms arise to determine whether cancer is the cause.
“According to the NHS, more than a third of all bladder cancer cases are predicted to be as a result of smoking cigarettes, making smoking the most common risk factor for getting bladder cancer.
“Smokers are four times more likely to develop bladder cancer than non-smokers, and those who smoke heavily or have done so for many years are most at risk. This is because when you smoke, harmful chemicals are passed through your bloodstream, filtered through your urine by your kidneys, and then stored in your bladder.
“Other risk factors for bladder cancer include:
Having previously undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy
Having type 2 diabetes and receiving specific treatments for this
Having a tube in your bladder due to paralysis
Long-term or regular urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Long-term bladder stones
Having an untreated schistosomiasis (bilharzia) infection
“We would expect your GP to refer you to a specialist should they believe that you are displaying symptoms that could be a sign of bladder cancer. You should be referred to see a specialist in two weeks if it is suspected that you might have cancer. This specialist should then carry out a number of tests to determine whether your symptoms are an indication of bladder cancer.
“These guidelines state that you should be referred urgently if you are 45 or older and have blood in your urine, either without an infection or with an infection that consistently returns even after treatment.
“You should also receive an urgent referral if you are 60 and over and have either displayed blood in your urine, have experienced pain when urinating, or if you have a high white blood cell count.
“Like with any form of cancer, early diagnosis and treatment will improve the chances of a successful outcome. If not treated quickly enough, the cancer can spread through the tissues locally or to other parts of the body, making it more complex to treat and reducing the likelihood of survival. This cancer spread is referred to as metastatic cancer.
“If you believe that the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer were missed or not treated quickly enough, there are a number of steps you can take towards receiving compensation. Book a consultation with a medical negligence expert who will be able to provide you with the necessary legal advice and take the stress out of the process.”