Susan Wanjiru, a woman from Kinangop, recently appeared on Kameme Studios’ Njanjo program, pleading for help in locating her missing sister, Martha Muthoni, and brother, Njoroge. Martha has been missing since 2011, leaving her children in distress and raising concerns for her safety.
Susan expressed deep sorrow, emphasizing the hardship Martha’s children have endured in her absence and desperately asking for her sister’s return. In addition to Martha’s disappearance, Susan is also searching for her brother, Njoroge, who went missing in 2018. Although Njoroge had a history of disappearing due to mental health issues, his 2018 disappearance was much more alarming.
During the program, Susan shared how the prolonged absences of her siblings have taken a severe emotional toll on the family. She urged anyone with information to come forward to help reunite her with her missing siblings. The case continues to attract attention, and efforts to locate them are ongoing.
By Kenyans