Of late these handsome men are doing the most and now even if they aren’t doing much, girls are still tripping over them.
These guys are aging like fine wine.
Here are some of they guys that looked good before and even as they grow old, they don’t seem to age.
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Nick Mutuma- is he even trying to grow old? For the years he has been on our screens he doesn’t seem to change and if there is any change it’s for the better.
Pascal Tokodi- the actor and musician has been known for attracting that ladies with his sexy voice and good looks. But he is a married man now.
Sean Andrew- he emerged to our screens as Kibaki’s grandson and from then we have grown to know him. Sean Andrew is just one of those good-looking guys without even trying.
Mark Masai- the news anchor is also one who is known for his good looks. The much people see of him is when he is presenting news.
Mark Masai
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Kagwe Mungai- for as long as we can remember the musician has always been looking good. He has such a great and unique fashion style and the more he ages the more he brings the things the ladies like like beards to the game. He looks great
Masterpiece- he is new in the industry compared to the others but that doesn’t hinder him from bringing his young and great game to the industry. The young gospel musician constantly changes hairstyles and brings about a whole new sense of looking good and with all the hairstyles he does he still looks great
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Martin kimathi- he is a host of Teen Republic and to add to his good looks he has a great sense of style so many people have had a crush on him for a vey long time and though he has been in the industry for some time his good looks don’t seem to disappear.