In today’s episode, Mwanzele will find Major trying to shoot himself. Mwanzele will jump on him and takes away the gun. Mwanzele tells Major is not good to kill himself.

Major tells Mwanzele to allow him to die because he has killed many people. Major tells him that he mistreated him and his late wife Zuu and doesn’t deserve to live. Mwanzele tells Major that he has done many wrongs and doesn’t think killing himself is a solution. Major tells him is not like him because he has hurt many innocent people. Major will tries to take the gun but Mwanzele will stop him.

Mwanzele tells him that is high time to look for their children. Mwanzele will look for Kaka and Major for Sultana.

Later Major goes out and starts shooting for no reason. Major thanks Mwanzele for saving his life because he could have died by shooting himself.

by: Chistina0


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