In today’s episode, Fatima will board a tuk-tuk to an unknown place. Sada will see her and gets surprised where could Fatima go in this early morning? Sada will decide to follow Fatima.
Dida tells his father that they can’t sit down doing anything. Dida wants to go out and find a job. Mbuya tells him it’s more risky loitering outside. Maria asks Dida if she going out or wants to go to the village. Dida gets angry and tells Maria if she never loved should stop that big mouthing.
Maria will not be happy with Dida and gets outside. Dida follows her and asks for forgiveness. Dida and Maria will come to good terms. Maria promises to never come between in her life
Maria begs Dida if he reaches the village to greet Kaka and makes sure he calls her. Maria also sends her to check up on JJ because she left him at the hospital with Salama. Dida promises Maria she will do everything and leaves.
One of Fatima’s men calls her and tells her to hurry because Dida has left. The man will call the house guard and asks for directions. Fatima uses the opportunity and gets inside Mbuya apartments.
Mbuya will be busy on his phone and will not realize Fatima is in the house. Fatima will attack and strangles Mbuya’s neck.
by: Chistina0