Sultana drama is an interesting play on Citizen Tv where recently it celebrated one year since the day it begun. The show is almost to an end as most secrets which have been kept within the characters are revealed every episode.

Major takes with him JJ to Salama home where JJ had claimed to meet Sultana his wife. Bi Salama is not happy to see Major in her resident. Sultana is soo happy to meet JJ and they embraced one another.

They stood for a while then Mwanzele came and gave them chairs and welcomed them. Bi Salama pours insults on Major but Major claimed that he only brought JJ and he had no other agenda. Bi Salama called him a “devil” and warned Mwanzele but he went on entertaining Major.

Major excuses himself and tells JJ to get Sultana. When they sat down after Major has gone,JJ faced Bi Salama and enquired about his parents and where he came from. Bi Salama is most disturbed by those questions from JJ and Sultana but Babu interrupts them about Kokan Murder.

The mention of Kokan just silenced the two where Bi Salama excuses herself and makes a call to Aunty Sada. She is worried on what to do now that she has hidden this truth for long. She is ever avoiding Sultana questions.

What will Bi Salama do?

Keep watching from the updates to know what will befall the characters.

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by: CayPol


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