On Sultana Drama,news have spread allover about the death of Zuu wife to Mwanzele. The villagers have joined the family as they grief for the loss. Bi Salama and Sultana have also come to mourn Zuu where unfortunately,they found she had already been buried.

Zuu had gone to the forest to seek for medicine where she met Major who hit her and finally lost her life.

Babu had blamed Mwanzele for betraying them as family and other villagers. They have endured in mistreatments from Major and they hoped to fight in unity. As they were talking,Major appears carrying shopping for the grieving Mwanzele. Babu is not happy seeing the enemy in wool’s sheep. He tells Major to finish up his business and leave.

The other villagers are not pleased since they know Major with his evil acts. Major claims if they want to kill him, they are free to do it.

To watch the whole story kindly click on the link below.

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by: CayPol


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