For those who are suffering from H. Pylori and stomach ulcers, it is usually a very painful disease. Here is why cabbage, combined with medication could be the ultimate cure.
Cabbage is a natural ulcer remedy and has been in use for decades before antibiotics were available. It is rich in vitamin C , an antioxidant shown to help prevent and treat H. pylori,which is the main cause of ulcers.
- Cabbage Juice.
Consumption of fresh Cabbage juice helps heal stomach ulcers . Cut cabbage into fine pieces and use a juicer or blender to prepare the juice.
It is advisable to consume very early in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Sauerkraut.
This refers to fermented cabbage. It contains live lactobacilli and beneficial microbes that help restore digestive health and help in digestion.
It is a probiotic food hence providing live, active and unprocessed cultures.
To prepare it, cut cabbage into small pieces and store it in a glass jar or container with an airtight lid. Allow it to ferment for atleast 10-14 days . Do not open the container before then to prevent it from contamination.