Some few months ago a famous Kikuyu Mugithi artist Waithaka Wa Jane was to go to the USA to perform live on stage but an unknown person canceled his US visa.

According to the video which was shared by Sue Gacambi, a Kenyan living in the USA and a Mugithi promoter, she said that after completing an investigation which she is doing she will expose the person who canceled Waithaka’s visa.

According to Sue Gacambi, she said that the person who did that was a famous Kikuyu Mugithi artist and she said that this artist whom she said she knew by name was the one who tempered with Waithaka’s US Mugithi your.

Sue said that soon she would expose this artist and all the people would come to know him.

[See the video of Sue via the link below]

After Sue posted this video on her TikTok account, Waithaka reposted that video and said that the person who did that destroyed his career and there was no need for envy.


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