Archbishop Martin Kivuva of Mombasa has raised a powerful voice against the alarming rise in abduction cases across the country. Speaking during a community gathering, the Archbishop described the kidnappings as a “shameful stain” on Kenya’s social fabric. He urged authorities to take swift and decisive action, emphasizing that the safety of citizens is non-negotiable. “A nation cannot thrive when its people live in fear,” he said, calling for an urgent end to this disturbing trend.

The Archbishop also linked the abductions to deeper systemic issues, particularly corruption within government institutions. He argued that corruption undermines law enforcement efforts, making it easier for criminals to operate with impunity. “Corruption is the silent engine driving these crimes. Until we confront it head-on, we will remain trapped in this cycle of insecurity,” he warned, urging leaders to prioritize accountability and transparency.

High taxes also came under scrutiny as the Archbishop lamented their crippling effect on the average Kenyan. He noted that many families are struggling to make ends meet, which may indirectly push some into desperate acts, including crime. “A government that burdens its citizens with unbearable taxes is a government that risks losing their trust,” he said, appealing for tax reforms that promote fairness and economic growth.

Concluding his remarks, Archbishop Kivuva called for unity among citizens and leaders alike to address these pressing issues. He reminded the audience that national progressdepends on collective action and shared responsibility. “We are all stewards of this nation, and it is our duty to safeguard its future. Let us rise above division and work for the common good,” he urged passionately.

By Kenyans

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