Some hours ago Tuko news interviewed a Kenyans lady, who talked about cheating in marriage and what men and women should do to maintain their Marriages. Her name is Becky, who is a gender and mentor health specialist where she deals with marriages and families. She is a profession by books and also she has more experience since she has gone through a lot in life.

According to her, she had a very difficult uprising and she also went through a lot of struggles in marriage. She made it clear that she had a lot of bitterness and anger in marriage because of what her husband was doing. She explained that her husband was having another woman and at the end of the day he ended up marrying her. She said at first it was very tough for her and she had to go to counselling despite her being a counselor.

She had to make the decision of whether to leave the marriage or not. She decided not to leave the marriage and she accepted the second wife. She started going through the forgiveness journey and she started focusing on her life. She made it clear that she is not telling women to leave or stay after the second wife comes in, but they should start with the forgiveness journey and healing before making any decision.

She therefore advised women not to fight their Husband’s Side chick and instead they should accept her if she is the only one. She said that some men are cheaters by nature and that should be dealt with by breakup. She advised women that the husband marrying a second wife has nothing to do with them, and at the end of the day they will marry whether they like or not. Watch the full video below and share your views with us.

By Tuko

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