on his official Facebook page, Mugithi Singer, Samidoh has shared a post to his fans which of consist of lovely photos of him posing while entertaining his fans in Kiambu Yesterday evening. At the caption, Samidoh shared an advisory message to his fans and below is the screenshot of his post;
In his post above, Samidoh wrote that, “stop checking your Ex’s profile now and then, you are going to earn yourself a top fan badge”. What Samidoh said is true because, on all social media platforms, when you regularly engage on someone’s profile regularly, you become top fan and that is an advice he gave to those who are checking their former partner’s profile.
Those who are still doing this shows that they still their former partner’s that is why they are still following them on what they do or post. The best option is to accept that you are no longer together and move on.
After posting this, netizens gave out their different reactions towards his post as one fan by the name Ng’ash Dee wrote that;
“Ata nimeona one of my ex’s Kwa one of the pics”.
By Newshub