Police In Kajiado are investigating an incident where a church was found with Ksh 6 million worth of Bhang. In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that a poove raid led to the discovery of Bhang, an incident that has caught the attention of several Kenyans.
Taking to his different social media platforms to express his opinion on this topic, former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has stated that these Are the signs of End times.
While reacting to this incident, Kenyans who took to their different social media platforms to express their opinion on this topic had this to say.
Okal…Are you sure this is a Church or a building that is occasionally used for Church Services. I doubt if there is any Pastor who can Sell bang to Church Members, This cannot be True. In Kenya Most Churches do not own Properties(Lands or buildings) Sometimes they hire or rent places of Worship which they only use on Sunday for services other days of the week the buildings are used for other businesses by the owners. I am just thinking this could be the case here.
Jonny …Hapo worth it’s totally lie angekuwa tajiri kitambo you always overestimate every thing.
Jack …Moral lesson, when church committee looking for church care taker, please look for someone who is moral upright, sio kirogota watu hovyo tu Bora atunze kanisa.
Coz you can’t convince me that the whole church members knew about this bangi. No way.
Noah …Ida Odinga was right; that churches should be regulated!
Ben …Smoking of weeds is becoming popular. Even Jesus never condemned it. David and solomon were bang smokers. Peter the rock smoked bang.
Jakager…Gen 1:31 And God saw EVERYTHING that He had made, and behold, it was GOOD.
Steve …I take this with a pitch of salt, if the place is a rented premises, the Church meets there on Sunday, the owner rents the place to other people in a different business.
Why should this law enforcer claim that the people of this Church use Marijuana when he has not done any investigations.